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Corporate Legal Advisor in UAE
Companies represent one of the pillars of development in all its forms and types in the Emirates, especially since they have been accompanied by the development and legal modernization of the systems and procedures related to the establishment and operation of companies.
In light of all these numerous developments, the need for the services of a corporate legal advisor in the UAE is increasing, who provides legal advice and accurate counsel on contracts, activities, and various legal issues related to companies.
Contact via WhatsApp the best corporate lawyer from the office of Lawyer Samaha for Law and Legal Consultations.
table of contents
●Best Corporate Legal Advisor in UAE
●The importance of the role of corporate lawyers in the UAE
● Frequently Asked Questions
Best Corporate Legal Advisor in UAE
Managing companies and organizing their business and contracts, which are all subject to the Commercial Companies Law and the Commercial Transactions Law in the UAE, requires the guidance and direction of a legal specialist, who directs those in charge of them to the correct legal paths to complete the work.
Accordingly, we point out below the best experts whose advisory services can be relied upon in corporate matters and issues in the Emirates:
The best experts who can be relied upon and their advisory services in corporate matters and issues in the Emirates are the lawyers of Samaha Law Firm and Legal Consultations in the Emirates.
The importance of the role of corporate lawyers in the UAE
The importance of the role of a lawyer specializing in corporate affairs and cases is that he is the legal framework and the main person responsible for the various legal affairs of the company he works for if he provides services to it on a permanent basis.
The legal advisor also bears a large part of this responsibility even if he does not work with the company on a permanent basis, as he plays his role as a guide and legal reference who supervises the company’s various activities and contracts, and achieves
In compliance with regulations and laws.
Hence, the importance of corporate lawyers appears in the set of services and tasks they undertake, which are as follows:
●Supervising all procedures taken by the company.
● Auditing and following up on employment contracts and their terms, whether with individuals, companies, or other commercial institutions.
● Providing legal advice and recommendations regarding the company’s course of action and activities based on his legal opinion and experience.
● Undertake legal company registration procedures.
● Undertaking company liquidation and bankruptcy procedures.
● Undertaking procedures for the acquisition or merger of companies.
●Dealing with the issue of fees and taxes imposed on companies and their businesses.
● Negotiating and resolving the company’s legal disputes and disagreements with individuals and companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of commercial companies can be established in the UAE?
There are many types of commercial companies that can be established in the UAE, including general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, public and private joint stock companies, holding companies, and foreign companies.
What is the role of the lawyer in preparing the company contract?
The role of the lawyer is to prepare the company contract by writing it in a manner that is in accordance with the law and within the conditions for preparing the articles of association specified by the law, in a way that ensures its validity and prevents its invalidity, based on his legal experience in organizing the terms of company contracts in a way that guarantees the rights of the partners.
How does a company's articles of association become effective?
The company’s articles of association shall become effective after the contract is prepared in accordance with the legal provisions and conditions, and then registered in the commercial register with the competent authority.
Finally, we hope that the information we have provided will be useful to you in your search for the best corporate legal advisor in the UAE, and the services you can obtain from a specialized corporate lawyer. If you would like to obtain legal advice and consultations regarding establishing a commercial company or managing its business, do not hesitate to contact us or visit us at our law office, Samaha Law Firm and Legal Consultations in the UAE.
You can also check out the best legal advisor in the Emirates. You can choose him according to your area, so find out about a legal advisor in Ajman, and a legal advisor in Dubai. If you are in Abu Dhabi, read about a legal advisor in Abu Dhabi. And a debt collection lawyer in the Emirates.
تمثل الشركات إحدى أركان التطور بمختلف أشكاله وانواعه في الإمارات، لا سيما وأنها ترافقت مع تطور وتحديث قانوني للأنظمة والإجراءات الخاصة بتأسيس وعمل الشركات. وفي ظل كل هذه التطورات العديده ، تتزايد الحاجة لخدمات مستشار قانوني للشركات في الامارات يقدم مشورته القانونية ونصائحه الدقيقه حول العقود والأنشطة ومختلف المسائل القانونية الخاصة بالشركات.
الاستشارات القانونية عبر الإنترنت تعني الاستشارات القانونيه التي يتم ترتيبها عبر الإنترنت باستخدام الوسائط الرقمية عبر الإنترنت. كما انها يمكن أيضًا أن تكون الاستشارة الهاتفية إحدى الوسائل عبر الإنترنت أيضًا. وقد ظهر هذا الاتجاه خلال الجائحة. الآن ، يفضل الأشخاص والشركات الاستشارات القانونيه عبر الإنترنت ، بدلاً من الزيارات المادية لأنها توفر الوقت وتوفر الوصول عبر الحدود.
read moreتمثل الشركات إحدى أركان التطور بمختلف أشكاله وانواعه في الإمارات، لا سيما وأنها ترافقت مع تطور وتحديث قانوني للأنظمة والإجراءات الخاصة بتأسيس وعمل الشركات. وفي ظل كل هذه التطورات العديده ، تتزايد الحاجة لخدمات مستشار قانوني للشركات في الامارات يقدم مشورته القانونية ونصائحه الدقيقه حول العقود والأنشطة ومختلف المسائل القانونية الخاصة بالشركات.
read moreفي عالم مليء بالتحديات المالية، أضحى التأمين بمختلف أشكاله حاجة ضرورية لمختلف الأفراد والشركات، في حين ان قضايا التأمين تبدو معقدة وغير واضحة بالنسبة لهم. فإن كنت تواجه نزاعًا تأمينيًا أو تحتاج استشاره قانونية بشأن وثيقة تأمين أو دعوى خاصة بها، فلا شك أن الاستعانة بخدمات محامي تامين في الإمارات هو الخيار الأمثل لضمان حقوقك.
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