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Intellectual Property Laws in the UAE

Samaha legal Company is at the forefront of sharing knowledge and insights from the Middle East & North Africa combining knowledge and experience to bring you up-to-date insights, thoughtful analysis, and guidance that enables our clients to stay in touch with the latest developments in the legal industry.


Definition of Intellectual Property

Legal Consulting Lawyer

When facing any legal problem or issue, no matter how simple or complex, obtaining specialized advice from a legal consulting lawyer is the key to resolving it effectively and protecting the rights associated with it.

However, this requires choosing an expert lawyer who provides distinguished and accurate advice based on extensive knowledge of the laws, regulations and legal procedures in force in the UAE.

Do you need legal advice? Get the best specialized advice from Samaha Law Firm and Legal Consultations via WhatsApp.

table of contents

●Best Legal Consultancy Lawyer in UAE

●Types of cases that require legal advice

●Examples of cases resolved through successful legal advice

●Consultation in a real estate case

●Consultation in a labor case

● Frequently Asked Questions

Best Legal Consultancy Lawyer in UAE

In the UAE, Samaha Law Firm stands out as a trusted legal destination for comprehensive legal advice and services, provided by a team of professional lawyers and consultants, tailored to the needs of individual and corporate clients.

Below is a list of the best and most important lawyers and consultants who believe in the client’s right to receive exceptional services that achieve his interests:

Types of cases that require legal advice

The cases that require obtaining legal advice from a specialized legal consulting lawyer vary, to include various legal issues faced by individuals and companies, the most prominent of which are:

Commercial issues: This includes providing consultations on establishing and registering companies, agreeing on and concluding commercial contracts, and settling commercial disputes.

Criminal cases: This includes defending clients accused of committing crimes, or representing victims in various crimes, in order to achieve justice and ensure their rights are not lost.

Personal status issues: The lawyer provides advice to spouses and relatives in various divorce cases, child custody, alimony claims, and division of estates.

Real estate issues: including property disputes, rental disputes, and providing consultations on concluding various real estate contracts, including sale, purchase, mortgage, and lease.

Labor Cases: A legal consulting lawyer provides advisory services to parties to employment contracts, regarding their rights and obligations, and resolving disputes arising from violations of contracts and labor law.

It is worth noting that having a lawyer who provides appropriate legal advice at the appropriate time plays an important role in helping you make the right decisions and avoid potential disputes and problems.

Examples of cases resolved through successful legal advice

Our experience and legal advice at Samaha Office have contributed to solving many issues and problems faced by clients. Here are some examples:

Real estate consultation

A client faced a real estate rental problem due to the landlord’s insistence on raising the rent in an exaggerated manner. He went to a specialized lawyer who provided him with legal advice explaining that the landlord was not entitled to increase the rent.

Then, the client, under the direction of the lawyer, submitted an application to the Rental Committee in the emirate, and deposited with it checks for the value of the rent, and the rental contract concluded between the two parties.

This did not allow the landlord to increase the rent value, and obligated him to adhere to the laws and procedures followed to increase the rent, including the impossibility of increasing it except by agreement between the two parties, and notifying the tenant 90 days before terminating the contract, in addition to taking into account the limits of the possible increase.

Consultation on a labor case

The client left the company he was working for, and had a legal residence permit there, and then decided to join another company, and signed a job offer with them, but he wanted to leave it after only two days.

But he faced a legal problem in terms of his obligations, and he sought legal advice to ensure that he would not be charged more than his legal obligations.

He was given the appropriate clarification that as long as he had not signed the employment contract or taken the residency procedures with the new company, his obligation was limited to the obligations arising from the breach of the terms of the employment offer, including the penalty clause.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get legal advice?

Legal advice can be obtained by calling the number and booking an appointment to meet the specialized lawyer, or requesting an electronic consultation by sending a message via WhatsApp, or via email.

Why is it important to get advice from a qualified lawyer?

The importance of obtaining the advice of a specialized lawyer lies in knowing the correct legal path to claim a right or end a legal dispute, based on the legal texts and procedures followed in the Emirates.

How much does it cost to get legal advice in the UAE?

The cost of obtaining legal advice in the UAE varies based on a set of criteria, including the type of case, its complexity, the number and duration of consultation sessions, the experience of the lawyer providing the legal advice, and the reputation of the law firm.


In conclusion, resorting to a professional and excellent legal consultancy lawyer is a necessary investment to protect your rights and ensure that you get the legal support necessary to overcome your legal problems. At our office, Samaha Law Firm and Legal Consultancy, we emphasize providing the best advice and finding innovative legal solutions that suit the needs of our clients, so do not hesitate to contact us to get the best reliable legal advice.

عندما مواجهة أي مشكلة أو مسألة قانونية، مهما كانت بسيطة أو معقدة، فإن الحصول على استشارة متخصصه من محامي استشارات قانونية هو المفتاح لحلها بفعالية وحماية الحقوق المرتبطة بها. إلا أن ذلك يلزم اختيار محامي خبير يقدم استشارات متميزة ودقيقه بناءً على معرفة واسعة بالقوانين والأنظمة والإجراءات القانونية السارية في الإمارات.

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Intellectual Property Laws in the UAE

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Intellectual Property Laws in the UAE

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